Saturday, May 11, 2013

Ravenna: The Palace of Theodoric


The building known as the Palace of Theodoric is located on the corner of Via di Roma
and Via G. Alberoni, and stands next to Basilica di Sant'Apollinare Nuovo.
The building is not the palace of Theodoric. Perhaps it was a guardhouse.
Maybe it does not even belong to his time.
Perhaps it was built in the 7th or 8th century.

A narrow corridor on the ground floor of the building

Fragments of several mosaics are on display on the ground floor of the building

The capital of the column is decorated with a cross. Theodoric and his Goths were Christians.
They were not Catholicts, they were Arians. For this the Catholics could not forgive them.
Arianism was considered a heresy.
Theodoric was born in Pannonia in 454. He was the King of Italy
for more than thirty tears, from 493 until his death in 526.

A narrow corridor on the gound floor of the building

The tower on the back of the building

The tower on the back of the building

A spiral staircase inside the tower leads to the upper floor

A spiral staircase inside the tower leads to the upper floor

Fragments of several mosaics are on display on the upper floor

One of several mosaics which are on display here

Looking down at Via di Roma from the upper floor

A general view of the rectangular room on the upper floor
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For more information about Theodoric and the building known as his palace
please turn to Ravenna: Art and History by Giuseppe Bovini
(published by Longo in 1991)
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