The Apprentice is a historical drama (based on a true story) which premiered in 2024. It is about Donald Trump's rise to power as a businessman. It covers the early years of his career as a businessman.
The story begins in 1973. Donald Trump and his father are being sued by the Department of Justice. The DOJ claims the Trump company uses unfair practice when they decide who can rent an apartment from them. The DOJ claims the Trump company is guilty of discrimination against people of color.
Donald Trump is deeply concerned about the lawsuit which the DOJ has launched against the Trump company.
Around this time, Donald Trump meets the controversial lawyer Roy Cohn who becomes his mentor and friend:
** Cohn helps Trump
** Cohn knows how to deal with a case like this
The story continues in 1974 when President Richard Nixon is in trouble because of the investigation of the Watergate break-in. Nixon decides to resign in 1974.
Donald Trump meets the young woman Ivana in 1976. He is fascinated with her.
After a while, they become an item. Donald and Ivana are married in 1977. Ivana is his first wife.
The story ends in 1986. In that year, Roy Cohn dies. In that year, Donald Trump has a meeting with Tony Schwartz who is hired to be the ghostwriter of a book “written” by Donald Trump. The title of the book is:
Trump: The Art of the Deal
It is published in 1987
The time frame of the drama runs from 1973 to 1986. The historical context is the end of the 1970s and the beginning of the 1980s.
Those years are in many ways beneficial to Donald Trump. He meets Roy Cohn who becomes his mentor and friend. He meets Ivana who becomes his first wife. Donald Trump can benefit from advice and assistance given by Roy Cohn.
The controversial lawyer has three basic rules:
# 1. Attack, attack, attack!
# 2. Never admit failure! Deny, deny, deny!
# 3. Whatever happens, always claim victory.
Inspired by these rules, Donald Trump is able to implement some of his high-flying plans
In 1980, when the Republican candidate Ronald Reagan wins the presidential election, it seems the political climate is just right for Trump.
It seems the US government is prepared to support and assist a businessman like Trump.
The drama focuses on a crucial part of Donald Trump's life: the years 1973-1986, when the mainstream political life in the USA is increasingly dominated by an extreme right-wing version of capitalism.
Ratings and reviews
What do reviewers say about this historical drama about the life and career of Donald Trump?
Here are some results:
** 64 percent = Meta
** 71 percent = IMDb
** 83 percent = Rotten Tomatoes (the critics)
** 84 percent = Rotten Tomatoes (the audience)
Regarding these institutions I will make the following observations:
(1) Meta is usually lower than Rotten Tomatoes
(2) IMDb is often placed somewhere between Meta and Rotten Tomatoes
(3) This pattern is true for this drama. No surprise here
This historical drama covers a period of thirteen years: 1973-1986. Donald Trump has complained about the movie. This is not surprising, because it does not present him in a positive light.The director and the writer have chosen a time frame which shows the rise of Donald Trump as a businessman.
** They have omitted what happened before 1973
** They have omitted what happened after 1986
The movie would have presented the main character in a more negative light if the time frame had been extended to cover events before 1973 or events after 1986
Regarding the time before 1973
(1) There is nothing about Trump's time at Fordham University (1964–1966)
(2) There is nothing about Trump's time at Wharton School of Business (1966–1968)
(3) There is nothing about how he arranged for a person to take the entrance test for him
(4) There is nothing about how he arranged for a way to avoid the military draft
Regarding the time after 1986
(1) Companies established by Donald Trump declared bankruptcy six times between 1991 and 2009. Hotels and casinos had to close. But this story is not mentioned in the drama, because it is outside the time frame
(2) Trump University was founded in 2004. It was closed in 2011.
Three lawsuits were launched against this institution in 2013. Trump insisted he would never accept a settlement, but in the end he did it anyway.
In 2016, he accepted a settlement which ordered him to pay 25 million dollars to students at his university who had been betrayed by his university. But this story is not mentioned in the drama, because it is outside the time frame.
(3) Donald Trump often refuses to pay his bills.
Sometimes he will pay half and refuse to pay more, because the product delivered was in his opinion of poor quality. Sometimes he will pay nothing at all. He will ignore requests to pay the bill by saying:
“Sue me!”
He knows a small company cannot afford to pay a lawyer and go to court. This way of doing business is well-known and well-documented but it is never mentioned in the drama.
(4) Donald Trump won the presidential election in November 2016. He was inaugurated in January 2017. Events after January 2017 are excluded from the drama.
According to the Washington Post, Donald Trump told at least 30,000 lies in public while he was president! These lies are not mentioned in the drama.
The story presented in this drama is basically negative.
An honest account of Donald Trump and his activities as a businessman in this period cannot be positive. Had events before 1973 and events after 1986 been included, the story about Donald Trump would have been even more negative.
In my opinion, the ratings offered on Meta and IMDb are too low, while the ratings on Rotten Tomatoes are very appropriate. I think this movie deserves a rating of four stars (80 percent).
The Apprentice
A historical drama
The poster shows the actors who portray
the three leading characters in the drama:
Donald Trump flanked by
the lawyer Roy Cohn on the left and
his first wife Ivana on the right
Trump: The Art of the Deal
By Donald J. Trump with
Tony Schwartz
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