Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Les îles de Napoléon (2021)













Les îles de Napoléon is a documentary film which premiered in 2021.


The topic of this film is the life and times of Napoleon Bonaparte, with special focus on five islands which play an important role in his life and career.


Here is some basic information about this film:


** English title: Napoleon’s Islands

** Writer and director: Marie-France Brière

** Host and presenter: Marie-France Brière

** Inspired by a book which was published in 1823

** Available on the website TV5 monde plus

** Language: French

** Subtitles: English, French, German, and Spanish

** Run time: 51 minutes


Here are the names of the five islands which are presented in this film about the life and times of Napoleon:


** Corsica – this is the place where he was born on 15 August 1869

** île de la Cité – this is the place where he crowned himself as Emperor of the French on 2 December 1804 in the famous church called Notre Dame

** Elba – this is the place where he lived during his first exile (1814-1815)

** Ile d’Aix – this is the place where he stayed for three days (12-15 July) in 1815

** St Helena – this is the place where he lived during his second exile (1815-1821)


In this film, we follow host and presenter Marie-France, as she visits these five islands one by one.


In each location, she meets a person or several persons who have a direct connection with this place. They explain the significance of this location:


(1) How it is connected with the life and times of Napoleon

(2) Why it deserves to be mentioned in an account of the life and career of Napoleon


In many cases, the building in which Napoleon stayed while he was there is still standing today. 


In some cases, the building has been turned into a museum which is dedicated to him. This is perhaps the reason why it has been preserved to the present time.


Marie-France was born in 1942. She was 79 years old when she made this voyage; when she travelled to these five islands. She was still going strong!


What was the occasion for this voyage? 


Napoleon died in 1821. This voyage was undertaken in 2021 in order to mark and remember the 200-year anniversary of his death.


What was the inspiration for this voyage? 


The project about these five islands was inspired by a historical account which was written by Emmanuel de las Cases:


Le Mémorial de Sainte-Hélène


Emmanuel de las Cases (1766-1842) was a famous French atlas-maker who became a friend of Napoleon and who decided to follow him when he was sent into his second exile on St Helena.


While he was there, he made daily notes about the activities of the former emperor.


His account can be compared to a diary of Napoleon’s life on the island of St Helena. It covers the time from the arrival in October 1815 to November 1816.


In November 1816, Emmanuel de las Cases was arrested, because he had violated some rules established by the British governor Hudson Lowe and he was expelled from the island in December 1816.


His manuscript was confiscated by the British. It was only returned to him five years later, after Napoleon’s death in 1821. It was published two years later, in 1823.


According to modern observers, this account is not always reliable. Emmanuel was a first-hand witness to some events on St Helena, but he often added his own interpretation of what was said and done.


In this film, Marie-France often quotes a passage from the memoirs of Emmanuel de las Cases.


What do reviewers say about this film?


This question is not easy to answer.


This film is not listed on IMDb, so there is no rating.


This film is not available on Amazon, so there is no rating.


What do I think? I like this film. There are numerous books and films about Napoleon. Marie-France has chosen a new and interesting angle by focusing on five islands which play an important role in his life.


When she visits these locations and when she interviews some of the people who are living there today, the past becomes alive.


During her presentation of the topic and her interviews with different persons, she is able to catch the attention of the viewer. She explains how and why each of these five islands represents a significant moment in the life and career of the famous French general.


Whether you admire or hate Napoleon Bonaparte, he is an important person whose story deserves to be told, and in this film, it is done very well.


I want to go all the way to the top with this product. I think it deserves a rating of five stars (100 percent).


PS. Marie-France is co-director of a documentary film which premiered in 2022. It was made in four countries: France, Spain, Cuba, and Mexico. The title is Ramon Mercader: sur les pas de celui qui a tué Trotsky.

The main character is Ramon Mercader, the man who assassinated Leon Trotsky in August 1940.

** Directors: Marie-France Brière et Bruno Lagoarde

** Run time: 52 minutes




Monsieur N

A historical drama



Napoleon: The Russian Campaign

A docudrama with two episodes



Napoleon: The Egyptian Campaign

A docudrama with two episodes



Napoleon: In the Name of Art

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Island # 1 = Corsica

Napoleon was born in Ajaccio in August 1869

The house in which he was born has been turned into a museum which is dedicated to him.











Maison Bonaparte

Ajaccio, Corsica, France



Island # 2 = île de la Cité

This small island is located in the middle of the river Seine in the middle of Paris.

The most famous building on this island is the church which is called Notre Dame.

Napoleon crowned himself as Emperor of the French in this church on 2 December 1804








The coronation of Napoleon Bonaparte

Notre Dame, île de la Cité, Paris, France



Island # 3 = Elba

Napoleon lived on this island for ten months (1814-1815)

He was the Emperor of Elba, but this empire was too small for him. He managed to escape and he returned to France.









Villa dei Mulini, Napoleon's official residence during his time on the island of Elba. 

Today a museum dedicated to the former emperor of the French.



Island # 4 = île d’Aix

This small island is located on the western coast of France facing the North Atlantic Ocean. The island is only 3,000 m long and 700 m wide.

Napoleon stayed on this island for three days in 1815:

12-15 July 1815, the final days when he walked on French land










île d’Aix

The Napoleonic Museum



Island # 5 = St Helena

Napoleon lived on this island for more than five years, from October 1815 to May 1821









Briars Pavilion

This is Napoleon’s first residence on St Helena

He stayed there for six weeks (October-December 1815)






Longwood House (seen in a photo from 2008)

This is Napoleon’s second residence on St Helena

He stayed there for more than five years (1815-1821)



Les îles de Napoleon 

A documentary film about 

the life and times of Napoleon

with special focus on five islands 

which play a significant role in his life



Le Mémorial de Sainte-Hélène

By Emmanuel de las Cases

A special edition

based on the original manuscript

published in 2017




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