Friday, March 14, 2025

Philae - Das versunkene Heiligtum (2023)







Philae – Das versunkene Heiligtum is a documentary film which premiered in 2023. In 2024, it was shown on French and German television (arte).


The topic of this film is the history of the ancient temple dedicated to Isis which was built on the island of Philae in the southern part of Egypt.


This temple is important, because it has an interesting and unusual history. In this film, the history of the temple is covered in great detail.


Here is some basic information about this film:


** Director: Olivier Lemaître

** Writers: Claudine Le Tourneur d’Ison and Olivier Lemaître

** Narrator: Dana Friedrich

** Language: German

** Subtitles: German

** Run time: 89 minutes


Several persons are interviewed in this film

Here are the names of the participants

Listed in alphabetic order


** David Bartlett – Lieutenant Commander of the Royal Navy

** Mansour Hamed Bedaya – former worker on the project Philae

** Antonio Giammarusti - Architect

** Holger Kockelmann – Egyptologist, University of Leipzig


** Agnes Macquin – Director of the Library, French Institute for Oriental Archaeology

** Shaimaa Magdi – Director of the Scientific Archive, Egyptian Ministry for Tourism and Antiquity

** Lorenzo Medini – Egyptologist, French Institute for Oriental Archaeology

** Daniel Menet – Engineer, National Geographical Institute of France


** Diana Craig Patch – curator, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

** Cornelius von Pilgrim – Egyptologist, Swiss Institute for the Study of Egyptian Monuments and Antiquity

** Alessandro Roccati - Egyptologist

** Mechtild Rössler – Director of the UNESCO World Heritage Center in Paris 2015-2021


** Abdel Moneim Saeed – General Director of Antiquity in Aswan

** Muhammed Salah – Director of Antiquities, Philae

** Eng Sengsavang – Archivist, UNESCO

** Johanna Sigl – Egyptologist, German Archaeological Institute, Cairo


Archive footage from the 1960s and the 1970s is used between the talking heads. Archive footage is used to support and supplement the statements made by the talking heads. Archive footage is also used when the narrator is speaking


The history of the ancient temple which was built on the island of Philae has two chapters.


The first chapter is set in antiquity when the temple was built. The second chapter is set in the twentieth century when the temple was transferred from the island of Philae to the nearby island of Agilkia.


Chapter # 1

Construction of the temple dedicated to Isis began during the reign of Ptolemy II Philadelphus, who ruled 284-246 BC. The work was completed during the reign of Ptolemy III Euergetes, who ruled 246-221 BC. 


Chapter # 2

The Nile River runs through Egypt from south to north. The river ends when it reaches the Nile Delta and the Mediterranean Sea.


The city of Aswan is located on the Nile River in the southern part of Egypt. Two dams have been built across the river near Aswan:


The low dam was built by the British over four years 1898-1902. The high dam was built by the Egyptian government over ten years 1960-1970.


The low dam is north of the high dam. The distance between the two dams is ca. six kilometers.


Lake Nasser is the name of the huge reservoir which was created when the high dam was completed in 1970. It is more than 500 kilometers long.


The ancient temple dedicated to Isis which was built on the island of Philae was located in the area between the two dams.


When the low dam was built, the level of the water was raised by a few meters. The construction of the low dam affected the island of Philae.


When the water was low, the island was still dry. But when the water was high, the island was flooded and the temple was partially submerged. Only the upper parts of the temple were visible when the water was high.


When the high dam was built, the level of the water was raised again. This time by several meters. It was predicted that the island and the ancient temple would disappear completely. The temple would be totally submerged.


To prevent this from happening, the UN organization UNESCO organized an amazing rescue operation to save the temple and the other ancient buildings on the island of Philae. This operation was implemented in seven stages:


Step # 1

A coffer dam was built around the island of Philae


Step # 2

The water inside the coffer dam was pumped out, so the island and the temple were dry


Step # 3

The mud from the river which covered the island and the floor of the temple was removed


Step # 4

The temple was dismantled. The stone blocks were transferred to a storage area nearby


Step # 5

The coffer dam built around the island was removed. The water was allowed to cover the island


Step # 6

The nearby island of Agilkia was modified to look like the island of Philae


Step # 7

The stone blocks were transferred from the storage area to the island of Agilkia where the ancient temple was rebuilt


This operation took place over three years from 1977 to 1979.


From the city of Aswan, you can visit the high dam which was built 1960-1970. When you are standing on the high dam and you are looking south, you are looking at the reservoir which is named Lake Nasser.


From the city of Aswan, you can visit the ancient temple dedicated to Isis. This temple was built on the island of Philae in antiquity during the reign of Ptolemy II and Ptolemy III, but this island has now disappeared under the water. It is now submerged.


Since 1980, the ancient temple dedicated to Isis is standing on the island of Agilkia, whose surface was modified to look like the island of Philae.


The ancient temple dedicated to Isis is still known as the temple of Philae, even though it is no longer standing on this island.


As explained in this film, the temple dedicated to Isis was not the only building on the island of Philae. There were other buildings on the island. Some of them were from the time when Egypt was a province of the Roman Empire:


** One building is associated with emperor Trajan. It is known as Trajan’s Kiosk

** One building is associated with emperor Hadrian. It is known as Hadrian’s Gate


What do reviewers say about this film?


On IMDb it has a rating of 65 percent. This rating is quite good. But in my opinion, it is not good enough.


The story is important. It deserves to be told, and in this film, it is done very well.


The archive footage from the 1960s and the 1970s which is used here is very informative. The historical experts who are interviewed are well-chosen. They offer useful information.


I want to go all the way to the top with this product. I think it deserves a rating of five stars (100 percent).


PS # 1. Several ancient monuments were endangered when the high dam was built at Aswan 1960-1970. Some of them were lost. They disappeared under the rising water when the huge reservoir was created by the high dam.


But a few of them were rescued. The temple dedicated to Isis built on the island of Philae is one case. In this film, three other cases are mentioned:


(a) The two temples dedicated to Ramesses II and his wife Nefertari were built by the Nile River at Abu Simbel ca. 280 kilometers southwest of Aswan.


In antiquity, these two temples were cut out of two small mountains. To save them, the two mountains were cut into small blocks. All blocks were moved to a higher location where the two temples were rebuilt and combined with two small artificial mountains. 


This operation took place over four years from 1964 to 1968.


(b) One ancient temple in the area was donated to Spain: the temple of Debod was dismantled. All stone blocks were transported to Madrid where the ancient temple was rebuilt.


(c) One ancient temple in the area was donated to the US: the temple of Dendur was dismantled. All stone blocks were transported to New York City where the ancient temple was rebuilt.


PS # 2. There are many inscriptions written with hieroglyphics on the walls of the ancient temple dedicated to Isis. One of them is famous. Why is it famous? Because it is the last inscription written with hieroglyphics in ancient Egypt.


It was written by a priest named Esmet-Akhom. It was carved into the wall on 24 August 394. Soon after this happened, all knowledge of the hieroglyphics was forgotten. Nobody could read them or write them.


This situation continued for more than a thousand years. This situation continued until 1822, when the French scholar Jean-François Champollion managed to decipher the hieroglyphics. The key to his discovery was the Rosetta stone which was found in Egypt in 1799.


PS # 3. This film about the ancient temple of Philae was also shown on the German television channel ZDF. It is still available on the ZDF website.


PS # 4. I have been to Egypt in 1992 and in 2010. While I was there, I visited several ancient locations, including the following:


** I visited the two temples at Abu Simbel which were saved when they were moved to a higher location. This operation took place in the 1960s.


** I visited the temple dedicated to Isis which was saved when it was moved from the island of Philae to the island of Agilkia. This operation took place in the 1970s.




# 1. Items available online


The Philae Temple Complex

The Graffito of Esmet-Akhom

The Two Temples at Abu Simbel

The Temple of Debod

The Temple of Dendur

The Temple of Kalabsha

Christiane Desroches Noblecourt

The International Campaign to Save the Monuments of

Ancient Egypt


# 2. Books


Temples of the Last Pharaohs

By Arnold Dieter



The Complete Temples of Ancient Egypt

By Richard H. Wilkinson

(2000 = hardcover)

(2017 = paperback)


Empress of the Nile: The Daredevil Archaeologist Who Saved Egypt’s Ancient Temples from Destruction

By Lynne Olson



This book is a biography of the French archaeologist Christiane Desroches Noblecourt (1913-2011)



The temple dedicated to Isis

was transferred from the

island of Philae to the island of Agilkia.

In this picture, the ancient temple is seen from

a boat sailing on the Nile River



The facade of the ancient temple.

In this picture, colours have been added to

the pylons of the temple in order to

show how it looked in antiquity





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