Mr Jones is a historical drama (based on a
true story) which premiered in 2019. The main character is the Welsh reporter
Gareth Jones (1905-1935). The main topic is the famine in Ukraine in 1933 (Holomodor).
Here is some basic information about this drama:
** Director: Agnieszka Holland
** Writer: Andrea Chalupa
** Writer: Andrea Chalupa
** Languages: English and Russian
** Run time: ca. 120 minures
The cast includes the following:
** James Norton as Gareth Jones (1905-1935) – a
** Peter Sarsgaard as Walter Duranty (1884-1957) – a reporter
** Peter Sarsgaard as Walter Duranty (1884-1957) – a reporter
** Kenneth Cranham as David Lloyd George (1863-1945) – prime minister of the UK 1916-1922
** Joseph Mawle as George Orwell (1903-1950) – a writer
** Krzysztof Pieczynski as Maxim Litvinov (1876-1951) – foreign minister of the USSR 1930-1939
** Vanessa Kirby as Ada Brooks – a reporter
** Marcin Czarnik as Paul Kleb – a reporter
The drama is divided into three chapters. Here is an
** Jones is in the UK (ca. 15minutes)
** Jones is in the USSR (ca. 75 minutes)
** The chapter about the USSR is divided into three sections:
** The chapter about the USSR is divided into three sections:
(A) Jones is in Moscow (ca. 35 m)
(B) Jones is in Ukraine (ca. 30 m)
(B) Jones is in Ukraine (ca. 30 m)
(C) Jones is back in Moscow (ca. 10 m)
** Jones is back in the UK (ca. 30 minutes)
Total running time: ca. 120 minutes
What do reviewers say about this historical drama?
Here are the results of three review aggregators:
** 64 percent = Meta
** 68 percent = IMDB
** 68 percent = IMDB
** 81 percent = Rotten Tomatoes
On Amazon UK there are at the moment more than 100
ratings of this product. The average rating is 4 stars, which corresponds to a
rating of 80 per cent.
As you can see, the ratings are quite good. But if
you ask me, they are too high. Why do I say this? Because this drama is flawed.
There are several flaws which I will describe in the following:
I do not wish to spoil the viewing for anyone, but I
have to mention a few details in order to explain my rating.
Before discussing the role of the main character
(Jones) and the main topic (the famine in Ukraine) I will mention four minor
The first person we see and the last person we see
is the British writer George Orwell. He is alone. He is typing a story. At the
same time he is reading the story aloud to himself (and the audience). The
story is Animal Farm.
Orwell and his typewriter appear again in the middle
of the drama (two times). In this way the movie-makers imply that Animal Farm
is inspired by Gareth Jones and his report about the famine in Ukraine. But
there is no evidence to support this notion.
In chapter 3, which is set in the UK, Orwell and
Jones actually meet each other on two occasions. But in the real world there is
no evidence to support this notion.
Orwell's famous story Animal Farm (which was
published in 1945) is a strong criticism of Stalinism. But when Orwell talks to
Jones shortly after Jones has given a public lecture, Orwell tries to defend
and understand the Soviet government.
He says: perhaps the Bolsheviks are doing the best
they can under the circumstances. He adds: what about the free schools? What
about the free hospitals?
This does not make any sense. The author of Animal
Farm would never try to defend and understand the Bolsheviks. He would agree
with the critical comments made by Jones in his public lecture.
In Moscow Jones meets Walter Duranty who is the
Moscow correspondent of the New York Times. Duranty invites Jones to a party
which turns out to be quite wild (to put it mildly).
Jones is shocked by this experience. And I have a
question about this scene: did Duranty really arrange wild parties in his
apartment in Moscow in 1933?
This does not seem very likely. If he did, it would
soon be discovered and he would be deported at once.
At Duranty’s office Jones meets a female reporter
whose name is Ada Brooks. He is interested in her. On a professional level and
on a personal level.
In this drama, Ada is his love interest during his
time in the USSR. Who is this woman? She is a fictional character. According to
Philip Colley, a member of Jones’ family, Jones did not have a love interest
during his visit.
Jones is looking forward to meeting a friend and a
colleague in Moscow. His name is Paul Kleb.
But when Jones arrives in Moscow, he is told that
Paul was killed just three days before. Apparently, Paul was the victim of a
Jones cannot believe this. And before long he learns
that his friend was killed to stop him from working on a forbidden topic: the
famine in Ukraine.
Who is Paul Kleb? He is another fictional character.
According to one reviewer (Paulina Siegien, New Eastern Europe, 27 January
2020), he was added to the script as a tribute to the real American reporter
Paul Klebnikov who was murdered in Moscow in 2004.
Now it is time to discuss the role of the main
character and the main topic.
The Welsh reporter travels to Ukraine. How long is
he there? Two or three days. Where does he go? He visits two or three villages.
That is all.
Most of the time he is all alone, walking through
open fields which are covered by snow. This is March 1933. The winter in Russia
and Ukraine is very cold!
He meets a few people and exchanges a few words with
them, but he never has a real conversation with anyone.
This is not because of a language barrier. Jones is
fluent in Russian. He can talk to the local people; and he can understand what
they say to him.
Given that he is a foreign reporter on a secret
mission, his behaviour is very odd. He draws attention to himself, even though
this is not a good idea. In fact, it is very dangerous. He has to run!
The first time he manages to get away. But the
second time he is not so lucky. He is arrested, transported back to Moscow and
then deported from the USSR.
What evidence does Jones find during his visit to
Ukraine? Not much. His evidence of a serious famine is in fact quite limited.
Here are some examples of what he sees:
** Sacks of grain are carried from a warehouse to a
truck. Jones asks one of the workers: where are they sending the grain? The
worker says: to Moscow.
This may be true. But the worker cannot know that. He is just a worker. He can only state what he believes.
** A government official is handing out bread to people. He is surrounded by a large crowd of hungry people. Jones asks a women: "How long has it been like this?" She says: "They are killing us!" He wants to know how many have died. She says: "Millions!"
This women is standing in line hoping to get a loaf of bread. Is this killing? How can she know that millions have been killed? She cannot know anything like that.
** Jones passes a dead body in the street.
** A cart pulled by a donkey passes Jones in the street. The cart is loaded with dead bodies.
** Jones enters a house which seems to be abandoned. As he reaches the bedroom, he sees two frozen bodies.
This may be true. But the worker cannot know that. He is just a worker. He can only state what he believes.
** A government official is handing out bread to people. He is surrounded by a large crowd of hungry people. Jones asks a women: "How long has it been like this?" She says: "They are killing us!" He wants to know how many have died. She says: "Millions!"
This women is standing in line hoping to get a loaf of bread. Is this killing? How can she know that millions have been killed? She cannot know anything like that.
** Jones passes a dead body in the street.
** A cart pulled by a donkey passes Jones in the street. The cart is loaded with dead bodies.
** Jones enters a house which seems to be abandoned. As he reaches the bedroom, he sees two frozen bodies.
To sum up: the total number of dead bodies seen by
Jones is less than ten. While this is tragic, it is far from a million.
Even if everything shown in this drama is true, it
cannot be regarded as solid and convincing evidence of a famine which is killing
What is the reason for the famine? Is it man-made
(deliberate) or is it accidental?
In the drama, Jones finds no evidence that the
famine is a deliberate attempt to kill the Ukrainian people because they oppose
the communist plan for collective farms.
What is the purpose of this drama? To tell the
forgotten story of Gareth Jones, the Welsh reporter who broke the story about
the famine in Ukraine which the Soviet government tried to keep from public
But if the famine is the main topic, why is only a
quarter of the drama devoted to his visit to Ukraine?
Why spend only 30 minutes out of 120 on the main
Why do the facts he uncovers during his visit not
support the claim he wants to make: that the Ukrainian people are being killed
by a man-made famine.
If Jones is a professional reporter, why does he act
like an amateur?
He sees some unpleasant facts in two or three
villages. He extrapolates these facts to cover the whole country, even though
he has no personal knowledge about the reality and the situation in the rest of
the country.
This method may be common, but highly dubious. As a
reporter, he must know that he can only vouch for what he has seen himself. He
cannot know anything about the 98 percent of the county he has not visited.
Philip Colley, who is the great-nephew of Gareth
Jones, has publicly objected to the drama and the way his great-uncle is
portrayed in it. He has posted a long letter online. In this letter he explains
why he is disappointed by this drama.
Here is an excerpt from his letter:
“In truth, there was no love interest. He didn't
witness any dead bodies or any cannibalism, let alone take part in any. He
never saw any grain requisition, forced labour or body-carts; he was never
chased, never ran, never hid or disguised himself on his hike along the railway
line. He was never imprisoned.
“Far from the claims of the film, I don't think he ever felt himself to be in any great danger, protected by his fluency in Russian, his charm, and a useful VIP gratis visa.
“Far from the claims of the film, I don't think he ever felt himself to be in any great danger, protected by his fluency in Russian, his charm, and a useful VIP gratis visa.
“Furthermore, the narrative frame of the film, that Gareth met George Orwell, is simply not true, despite James Norton and the filmmakers’ attempt to spin otherwise.
“Similarly, for the claim that Gareth inspired Animal Farm, there is no evidence.”
Before getting to my conclusion, I have to mention
four coincidences which are hard to believe.
When Gareth arrives in Moscow, he meets Ada. When he
tells Ada about his friend Paul, it turns out that Ada knew Paul. What a
coincidence! There is more:
Ada and Paul were close. Before Paul was killed, he
wrote some notes about the forbidden topic, the famine in Ukraine, and gave
them to Ada to keep in her apartment. When Gareth tells Ada that he is going to
Ukraine, she gives him Paul's notes about the famine in order to help him with
his investigation.
While watching this, we must remember the facts: Ada
and Paul are both fictional characters. Therefore any notes written by Paul are
also fictional. The whole story about Ada and Paul and his secret notes about
the famine in Ukraine is pure fiction; a product of the director's vivid
In 1933, Gareth Jones is in Ukraine. Many years
before, his mother (Annie Gwen Jones) was an English teacher in Ukraine. For
three years (1889-1892) she was a tutor of English for the children of Arthur
Hughes, a businessman from Wales.
Arthur was the son of John Hughes (1814-1889), a
businessman and engineer from Wales who came to Ukraine in 1869 to build and
run a new factory.
The town that grew up around the new factory was
named Hughesovska after the founder of the factory. From 1924 or 1929 the town
was known as Stalino. Since 1961, the town is called Donetsk. All this is true
and well-documented.
In the drama, Gareth talks to Ada about his mother
and her job as an English teacher in Ukraine long before he was born.
In the drama, Gareth has an old photo which shows his
mother standing in an open field in front of a large barn with a peculiar
In March 1933, Gareth is running through a forest
and later walking across some open fields covered by snow. While searching for
a place to spend the night, he stops for a moment and takes out the old photo.
He looks at the photo. Then he looks up and what does he see? The large barn
with a peculiar shape! What a coincidence!
The barn is still standing, more than forty years
after the photo was taken! And what is more: Gareth is now standing right in
front of it! What a coincidence!
When Jones is released from prison, a soldier shows
up to escort him to the railway station (and send him back to the UK).
Just as Jones and the soldier are walking down a
wide staircase, someone is walking up the staircase. Who is it? Walter Duranty!
What a coincidence!
Gareth and the soldier are walking to a car which
will bring them to the railway station.
Just before getting into the car, Jones turns around
and sees a large group of people leaving the building. In the crowd, he can
recognize a familiar face. Who is it? Ada! What a coincidence!
One coincidence I can accept. Even two coincidences
I can accept. But four amazing coincidences in a row! This is simply too good
to be true!
Something like this will (almost) never happen in
the real world. But something like this can easily happen in the magical world
of movies where every detail and every movement is carefully arranged and
planned by the director and the screenwriter.
I like historical dramas. I wanted to like this
historical drama, but unfortunately it was not possible. Why not?
(1) The structure of the drama is unfortunate. Only a quarter of the total running time is devoted to the main topic.
(2) There are too many coincidences which are too
good to be true.
(3) While the drama is based on a true story,
historical truth is violated on several occasions.
Given this fact, I cannot understand why so many
reviewers are prepared to give this drama such a good rating (four or even five
This drama is not great; it is not good. It is not
even average. It is fatally flawed and therefore it cannot get more than two
stars (which means a rating of 40 percent).
The famine in Ukraine 1933-1934 (Holodomor) is a
highly controversial topic. I have listed two books which have opposite
opinions and draw opposite conclusions regarding this chapter of Ukrainian and
Soviet history:
** Fraud, Famine and Fascism: The Ukrainian
Genocide Myth from Hitler to Harvard by Douglas Tottle (1987)
** Harvest of Sorrow: Soviet Collectivization and
the Terror-famine by Robert Conquest (1986)
PS. Agnieszka Holland (born 1948) is the director of
several historical movies. The quality of these movies range from high to low. Two
** The Burning Bush (2013) is an example of the high
quality. On Rotten Tomatoes it has a rating of 96 per cent.
** Copying Beethoven (2006) is an example of the low
quality. On Rotten Tomatoes it has a rating of 28 per cent.
Mr Jones (2019) has received some good ratings, but as you
can see from my review, they cannot be justified.

Agnieszka Holland (born 1948)

Gareth Jones (1905-1935)

A poster for the historical drama